Saturday, August 13, 2005

~~~ The man of genius : flip side ~~~

A short compilation on the flip side of the life of a man of genius !!!

Einstein the man behind relativity (and much more) was also a very romantic guy..and that was not just till those early twenties but much beyond.

A little bit on his early days:

Einstein’s family made gadgets, they owned a power and lighting systems company and that was as good as being introduced to the computer industry in our times…lucky chap! But then later his family moved to Italy and he was left behind in Munich. He dropped out of school and then this guy tried to study engineering in Zurich. Geniuses also falter somewhere…our fundoo was poor at literature. So, Einstein was sent to a prep school for a season. And this is the place where he meets the “first” girl of his life (or may be that’s what I read up until now! ) That season he stays with the Wintelers family, a big, boisterous intellectual family. There he meets Marie, one of the Winteler daughters. Two girls from the family were married off to Einstein’s family and his parents liked Marie a lot! So, things were falling in place…but then how much did this “ramba” affect his academic life? At that age, 15, he had started thinking of light wave and ether, about the issues that relativity would eventually solve. He tried to imagine what would happen if he could travel along with the light ray. What would he see? But even if he were traveling with the light wave, the light wave would still look like it was zipping past him at the speed of light. This was a paradox that bothered him, a lot. Maxwell’s’ eqn says that light travels at a particular speed but they never says what speed you are traveling at!
So, how much did college life transform our scientist…? This class nerd..having the image of a guy immersed in his math book transformed into a very attractive guy , with a lot of charisma and personality. Coming back to his love life, Einstein never married Marie. There was this new girl , his classmate in college, Mileva who stole his heart. She was an intellectual force whom Einstein enjoyed to reckon with and it was he who fell for her. He chased her round in college for a year .She had done a lot of hardwork to get to college. It was really commendable for a girl to pursue a scientific career in those days and she was the only female in the all guys class. She was so much committed to her academic career that she dropped out of school for half a year to clear her mind and she decided that getting involved with Einstein was not the best thing for her career. But he won her over at the end. They spent a lot of time discussing the “out of curriculum” (so, may be she had a lot to contribute in the theory of relativity) stuff and that meant low grades. After graduation, without a job, they spent a lot of time together, they had a reunion and went on a trip across the alps. She got pregnant…uh oh..that meant a lot of trouble for his career. He got the famous patent office job in Bern and she went to Serbia to have the baby. We really don’t know what wonders that baby could have bestowed to the world!!! She went back to Bern without the baby! Living in the Swiss society with a Siberian girl friend , having an illegitimate kid was the last thing he could afford and she made the supreme sacrifice, giving away the child to preserve his career. Eventually they married and she ended up becoming a housewife waiting for his return everyday to discuss some physics. But all this while may be Einstein was not all that perturbed. That was the time when he published his paper on relativity and another very important paper on then the quantum theory of light. He became more and more famous and left his patent office job and got a university job and Mileva was with him through all these years and more. But he pretty much forced her out of the vital center of his life, that is, physics. Every one would agree when I say Mileva’s is indeed a very sad story. After all she never got a degree, never got to do any science, ended up doing a lot of housework and was forgotten by history.

Now the story takes a turn and enters our third heroine. Elsa, in 1912, Einstein went to Berlin and there he had a reunion with his cousin Elsa. Both of them had intense correspondence and then Mileva intercepted their correspondence.. shorltly after that Einstein was recruited by Max Plank. Germany was all set to invest a lot on Einstein’s Quantum theory and he was given an amazing offer to go to Berlin which he simply couldn’t refuse. After that, finally he had got a job with more money and no students. And Elsa was always there to help out with things on the German end. There he started working on his general theory of relativity. And that was all he did for the next couple of years. He lived aloof in an apartment with lot of paper strewn all around him. One of his friends described his working habits as follows: "he works until you drag him away, then you give him some food, he eats until it's gone, you put him in bed, he sleeps until you wake him up, and then it all starts all over again. He was completely obsessed." Hey that’s called grit and determination…getting inspired eh? :)

All this while he had a lot of trouble with Mileva and finally divorced her and married Elsa, in 1919 and their marriage carried on till 1936 when Elsa died. But during the 1920’ s Albert had lot of affairs in Berlin. May be he wasn’t really happy with a wife who didn’t know physics, unfortunately may be he didn’t recognize that this wasn’t the case with his first wife.

So, what would you conclude about the other side of this man of genius..?
May be he always lived a life of anticipation, ever yearning for the next thing, always envisioning a better life.
"Einstein always felt paradise was round the corner, but as soon as he got there, it stared looking shabby and something better appeared. "

Saturday, August 06, 2005

~~~~~Forgive and Smile~~~~~~

Lemme start off with an incident ::

Scene :: Malaviya bahavan, BITS, Pilani
Time :: 3:00 PM
Situation :: Right side of the PI wing .... 80% of the inmates, enjoying their mid-afternoon nap


The alarm rings...n rings n rings...n rings...!!1 For about 2 minutes everybody simply waits for the alarm to "somehow stop"...But doesn't!!! Another 2 minutes....n then ::

A (Room 253) : Hey, whose this....Switch off the alarm..."Neram kalam teriyama......"..@##$$%%....
A` (Room 249) : (The impact is a but too much here, gets up from the bed and steps out.....
To her dismay the source of origin is the very next room(250) and the room is LOCKED !!! She screams back.....) She's not there in the room junta.....there's nothing we can do..!!!

By now the entire wing has gathered in front of the room...After a 2 minute discussion they realize that there is no way they can contact the 'culprit...all they can do is wish for an auto alarm switch off... , and if the clock has no such mechanism, wait for the battery to drain.!!! Fortunately for them, the cacophony ended n 15-20 minutes and the whole wing decided to simply "broil" the inmate when she is back..!!!


Scene : My flat in Hyderabad
Time : 7:00 AM on a Monday morning
Situation : Despite the continuous rains, our flat has water supply for 2 hours in the morning, and the considerate house owner had arranged a mechanism where in water is stored in two mini tanks placed in the loft!!! Every day one of us, turn on the water tap, let the tanks fill in, and moment the water level indicator (an overflow tap) alerts, turn the tap off !!!! The important point is, a 5 minute delay in turning off the tap would overflow, and a pool of water that flows from the dining room to the bedrooms to the drawing room....(this can be an irreparable mess at 8:00AM..)!!!
I woke up, turned on the tap, considering the wake up time a bit too early, went back to bed to stretch myself with a morning newspaper in hand !! My roommate who usually wakes up early was also peacefully seeping!!!
All of a sudden I could hear water pouring down from the top, and that was the water tank overflowing.....Too much damage was done. My room mates and I popped up from bed, and the clean up procedure was something completely unwarranted on a fresh new Monday morning....So, much for waking up early !!!


Scene : My 5th floor cubicleat office
Time : 6-7 PM , Friday
Situation :: After listening to all my adventures with the auto drivers, one of my friends 'S' magnanimously offered to drop me home most of the evenings, when ever we could leave office at the time. Since intense project phases haven't begun we coordinate and wrap up work with a +/- half hour lag!!!! As usual she called me at 6:30 n said, "Deeps, do we make a move ?", I had finished my days work and was about to wrap up things, I said, "Yup, in another 5 mins, I'll meet you close to the ground floor lift" !!! She works in the first floor and I, in the 5th floor, and the ground floor lift always served as a good meeting place, where a 5 to 10 minute delay wouldn't be too boring !!!
In about two minutes, one of my friends in the 5th floor called me over to his desk for some clarification. I went over thinking, I'd finish the conversation in 2 minutes, lock the computer and make a move....BUT, in 10 minutes time, we were 7 in the cube, and got into a controversial discussion and I completely lost track of time. Meanwhile, I had left my cell in my draw ( "ethical me" always ensures that the cell is in silent-vibration mode)..!!! 'S' calls me many times, tries to reach me at my extension and after a good 20 minute wait in the ground floor, comes up all the way to the fifth floor !!!!
The moment I see her, I suddenly descend back to the real world and check my watch......


There are many more such instances, ........

During most of these instances, I would feel very guilty about what happened, tell a million "sorry"s and ensure that I make amends in more than one possible way !!! BUT what I am talking about is the response of the affected people..!!! In each of these situations I got a different response !!!!

The first one.... After all the initial firing when I finally said "Sorry !!!", with that innocent smile....They did say "pona poruthu Jo...with a smile"!!! Ofcourse, I actually got kick bumps that night and a promise, that someone like me who does not sleep in the afternoon should not set the alarm at the such an 'unearthly hour' !!!! Next time the alarm rings --> the first room to check would invariable be --> 250 !!!

The second one .....Phew !!! I spent about 20 minutes cleaning up the place!!! my roommates somehow very whole heartedly gave me a Smile n said "Its Okay"..!!! Here again, the next time I get up first, my room mate does remind me to keep awake n prevent "a pool"....before turning in her bed and taking a rare half hour extra nap !!! :)

The last one ....... 'S' a gem of a girl...She probably knows mistakes do happen and they are not intentional.....She gave me a sweet smile and said "Its okay...Do we go now?"..!!! It was so much of a relief seeing that pleasant smile on her face, that the next time 'leaving time'...I reach the spot a minute before her !!!

Its very easy to scream at the 'cuprit', and blame him/her for hours on end in such situation, when the mistake is obvious and there are no excuses..!!! But it takes a lot and leaves a lasting impression, when you simply forgive and smile..!! When the person concerned is already 'so guilty'...why add on to it?

Mind you what you control is a 'momentary irritation',but what you gain is 'a relationship for life'. ...............!!!! :)

"To err is forgive is divine"