Tuesday, December 20, 2005

My learning in the first 6 months...of an IT Career !!!

I wouldn't say..this post covers all my learning....But yeah these 6 months...did help me get rid of all my myths regarding a high profile career in management...:::
Here's what I observed..::
The life of a middle level manager..(Anybody under the ProDuct manager ie "the man who directly and finally is responsible for delivering the product to the customer" is my definition a product manager) :::
* Its a slaves job....with a kings salary..
* U are pressurized from the higher ups n u have to shield the ppl working underneath.
* You work never gets over in the stipulated time and u are always over worked...
* You invariably have to carry work home ... in return for the stars you carry on your shoulder (the funky official cell phone and the latest lap top)
* You are never allowed to relax n take a deep breath... Until the project is relasesd
* When the project is released n you finally peek out for the one month (short) vacation...You get an emergency call ... saying the product has one bug in the alpha version n if u aren't there...this will move on to the beta version...And that amounts to XXX Crores loss..!!! WOW!!! "
* And thats when pressure builds from close to ur heart...Your wife screams.."Why don't you just throw that god forsaken cell phone in the bin when you go for a vacation... Make a choice on what you want on your lap- the laptop/me (Oh yeah...your wife better watch her weight before making such statements)!!! PJ...
* Now can you imagine a nice central focus point, and three stings pulling you from each direction......n being a cool n level headed man...You still smile n say "Hey my life is under full control.." n try to catch that precious 4 hour nap..n start off with another new project, n another deadline......!!!
And...the viscious cycle continues...

Phew....Kya zindagi hai :)) !!!!


Mark a Unit said...

yeah true but i seemingly have less force on me on during the past ssix months .. i think it depends on person to person .. if u are really interested in that field and like challenges sky is the limit otherwise a fly would seem like an elephant :P

otherwise nice blog , liked earlier posts ..keep blogging

Deepthi said...

Looks like ppl are waiting for the coveted post and don't really mind toiling it out there <:)> Great going!!! Look sbeyond getting there and the money actor...There's more to life..<:)>

Niks said...

i only wanna say u learnt some good jokes ( that laptop one )

Deepthi said...

@glen : Oh bhabi really won't mind [:)]...No issues on that [:)]

Renjith said...

seems u r close to some proj man

Anu said...

"A slave's work with a king's salary"--> well put! with you on that...100%!