Saturday, August 12, 2006

I Wish I cud be a child again

Those carefree childhood days were simply amazing...When :

- Laughing out loud happened so many times a day
- There were only two states among friends- "katti" n "parzham" (forgot the hindi equivalent) !!!
- When no mistake was a crime.... each one of those could be "forgiven n forgotten"
- When you could cuddle into mama's lap, n feel so secure.
- When every day had something definite to give
- When you really wanted to grow tall, strong, older.
- Birthdays meant so special...
- Cousins would meet up atleast once a year
- Learning new languages was so easy.
- No one really caught u up...u were always a free bird...
- Mama would wait to see u sleep, n give u a sweet good night kiss
- You would be pampered so much, the moment u sneeze...

I really miss those days.... How I wish, I got another chance to relive those days :))

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