Saturday, January 20, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me ... :)

Bhabhi just handed me my first birthday gift ...a beautiful bouquet with 2 roses :) A brilliant surprise ...

Suddenly realized...another year of me growing older and wiser has gone by! As I look back at the twenty odd years of awareness... I reminisce many images....

Bhaiyya hugging little me and calling me "unni", me crying, pleading, making a fuss for a small ball ice cream.... me fighting with bhaiyya and all my cousins for the window seat, putting a night out (3 o clock) in my third standard to make up for the 15 day delay to join school at Chennai, me throwing a set square at bhaiyya n it escaping his eyes by a few n bhaiyya quitely watching snails at the backyard in Assam, ...., me jumping off the rickshaw on the first day to school... n papa sitting with me in class the whole day.......

There are sooo sooo many instances, ... life had been too good to me.... Today I am a girl at the best of my life...the peak which could be called the pinnacle, be it intellect or beauty there couldn't be a period better than the mid twenties... :))

I am happy the way I am - a little crazy, a little weird, so very confused ... sometimes as bold as a queen and sometimes as meek as a mice.... sometimes with dreams of conquering the world ... n sometimes at absolute peace with status-quo.....Wondering with anxious eyes... at what tomorrow would bring me, scared of the uncertain tomorrow ... and yet so very excited about it... :)

Thank You to all my friends, those who are in touch, and those who aren't...I love you alll...!!! Life couldn't have been any better to me .. n I would love to cherish my today with all of you... :))

Welcome 2007.... Am looking forward to another year to growing up, of learning to love and being loved....

Happy Birthday to Me....:))

1 comment:

Raji said...

Hey deepthi

Happy bday ! Lovely blog !! keep in touch ! Cant forget the wonderful moments shared with u in BITS :))
