Friday, April 06, 2007

Pursuit of Happ'y'ness

Back to blogging after a long long while. Life indeed has changed over the last few months. From days that seemed to reflect monotony, I have learnt the art of generating vibes. I've started loving a new day....more n more. The transition was seamless. Thank You God :)

"Pursuit of Happ'y'ness" is a very ordinary story...the kind of story normal people can relate to, the kind of life that you and me live. The movie brought back to life some questions I've often asked myself .....

- Why did God bring me to earth ?
- Do I want to live a life as ordinary as the billions around me ?
- What is my mission in life ? What is that one thing that I am born to do that God felt no one else in this universe would do ?
- Is success really measured in terms of reputation, money, social relations and standards ?
- How would I say thank you to God for making me more fortunate than the kid born in slums ?
- How do I pay back God/Nature/Mother Earth/India ?

I've never really found answers to these questions. Being materialistic matters a lot, being successful matters a lot, but somewhere deep within I wonder if these are what really matter ?

Would I be really happy the day I become the woman of my dreams, with a successful career, a happy married life, well groomed children, happy parents? Are these in itself too much to ask for. Is the quest to look for some satisfaction over and above these, being a little too demanding ?

I still wonder ... ?


Dhanaraja Kasinathan said...

Glad to have found another person with the similar thought waves in this big 10 gallon head.

Anu said...

romba yosiching.. ;)

PJ said...

Aah .. the eternal question ...