Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Dazzle with Zazzle!

Have been interning with Zazzle.com, a five year old bay area start up over the last month. And must confess, its been an amazing journey so far, this summer…

At the face of it, Zazzle might appear to be just another player in the online apparel market. Though over the last two years its evolved to be so much more that all that. One visit to the manufacturing unit, and I was impressed with the effort the company puts into completely changing the manufacturing style of established goods: to product them with the best of quality & finish, in the least turnaround time the industry has ever seen. And the best part, the company ensures that all this is brought to your monitor at the most economic price!

Every attempt to brand this place as an online market place, an apparel player, a youth crowd puller just about failed. This company seems to be all about innovation, and whats tough about innovation here is, they innovate on the most established age old manufacturing process of basic everyday commodities.

Awaiting an exciting journey with Zazzle!

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