Friday, May 15, 2015

Tap into your inner genius!

Human Brain - What a wonderful creation! It can do so much. Handle diverse thoughts, deep indefinite memory, link the two, create deductions, take it all a step further and create the unseen - the power of imagination. How awesome is that! Sometimes, you feel like simply letting this awesome creation of God assimilate and process; to talk to you. There is a lot that goes into it everyday, every moment. Sometimes, thoughts want to come back out, processed. The internal self wants to communicate back to the external self. Probably this is what great thinkers achieved via meditation or deep thinking. The ability to listen, listen to this creative genius within you is such a blessing. Its a recursive loop for the most part. The more you listen, validate and send back messages, the deeper,insightful and relevant the next days insight. Isn't that a superpower ? We as humankind sometimes don't realize how powerful we are, if we simply look within ourselves. This deep thinking and meditation can happen in many ways. For some, its quite time listening to your thoughts, like a flowing stream. For some-others like me, its quite time with a pen. I like to write those thoughts down. Its like letting the inner energy manifest though a pen. Its abstract. I arrive at thoughts and realizations that I could have never imagined until then. May be, that's what manifests as intuition. Call it what you may - I am sure we all have experienced it at sometime and felt that its pure genius! The genius of the human mind. It doesn't matter if its mine or yours. We are all geniuses to our own merit. Its all a matter of tapping in. Those who do, spread knowledge and enlightenment. They lead their generation. They take mankind forward. They are remembered as the 'chosen ones'. Take time. Listen to your inner voice, your inner genius. Lets resolve to create a generation of a trillion geniuses. Lets help mankind take the next step in the right direction. There a lot for us to do!

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