Friday, January 01, 2016

Happy New Year 2016!

Happy New Year! Every new year is exciting. It brings a whole new series of yearly celebrations. Birthdays, festivals, anniversaries..there is so much to look forward to. After all, isn't life about those precious moments spent with and for loved ones :)

We have been living in San Francisco the last four years. Every year, we look forward to the NYE fireworks right by embarcadero. My little one is now a 3 year old. Its her first fireworks show and I have been waiting to share this special event with her. New Years eve is not the same anymore though. The television was buzzing with news about beefed up security in all of Europe, fire in a top 5 star hotel in Dubai. Fear of terror and simply the fear of unknown is top of mind for most people. Its really sad that this is the world that our children are growing up in. They need to grow up in a secure world. No matter which economic class you belong to or where you live, living without fear is a fundamental right, more so a need!

As we walked to embarcadero to witness the SF fireworks, all these thoughts were buzzing through my mind. We did not change our mind, we did not stay at home, we simply decided to be a part of the excited crowd waiting to see the lights. It was a very special show, the best I have witnessed in the last couple of years! Soon the crowd, the cheer and the happiness of the people around me took over and we really enjoyed the show.

I wish and pray for a safer world. A world where our children can live without fear or doubt. A world full of love and compassion. Amen!

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