Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Dealing with change ...

I've started realizing an obvious reality of life, which I guess someday everyone realizes - "Life indeed moves on". Old elderly pass away and new babies are born, people walk in and out of life, sometimes we move away from loved ones and sometimes they walk out of our life, we win a few deals, we lose out on a few, sometimes we feel our eternal highs and sometimes we get a taste of life's all time lows....we change, our surroundings change - but end of the day - as the world around us transforms - we realize that to evolve we got to realign ourselves, adjust and again become an integral part of the eternal whole.

What differentiates one from the other, is the way we deal with these transformations. There are those, who quietly let the world transform, stay still (like a small spec staying still in the center of a huge whirlpool, being sucked in and yet staying still and maintaining its calm) ; as the world realigns itself, they quietly wait and observe the world around with absolute tranquility, and once the world settles itself, they conveniently fall into their niche.

On the other hand there are others, who get perturbed by the turbulence and sway away from the center. As the world realigns itself around them, they try to realign themselves. They waste a lot of energy, worrying, getting depressed, feeling sad about themselves. They do not watch the changes, they do not learn from them, they are too preoccupied with themselves. And these people take much longer to gain normalcy.

There are very few who have the courage and patience to be the former, and in this era of tremendous changes, this is what differentiates The best from the rest !


Dhanaraja Kasinathan said...

Hey brilliant stuff. . Gr8 to know that u get time to blog. Well for quite some time i am pressing hard to do that ... So howz u ? and what r u upto these days ???

Suman Y said...

Is life such a dangerous whirlpool !!? ..

what I feel is it all depends on how we "see" it .. if we understand what is going on around us .. we are not perturbed .. and everything looks harmonious .. but if we do not understand whats going on around us.. we are disturbed ... we worry .. and put in a lot of energy ..

just another perspective :D .. btw the post was very interesting re ! :)