Friday, January 11, 2013


I am really excited about the new entrant in my life. Both she and I are waiting for her to say 'Hello World' and step into this world. The world in which I live. This is probably the moment for which I was created. She is one more of God's infinite miracles. God creates his miracles with utmost care, love and perfection. When she lands in my arms, she is going to be just that. The fact that it is up to me to mould this bundle of joy into a good citizen of God's world makes me feel so special, a little nervous and definitely very excited. Being a mom is God's best gift to a woman and I am happy its happening in my life. I can't thank my mom enough for what she has been in my life - my strength, my pride, my inspiration. I hope I can live up to it and take care of my little one the same way. Thank you Amma and looking forward to meeting my new love :)

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